Ulrich Weiner

Newsletter english

Dear English speaking friends and colleagues,

If you would like to be informed automatically about the latest news, you can subscribe to my newsletter.

Fax number (only if the news is preferred by fax):

Note: By subscribing to the newsletter, the latest information about mobile communications, electrosmog and electrosensitivity (EHS) is published several times a year. In addition current study results, court judgments and television contributions etc.

The registration can be revoked at any time with the “unsubscribe link”. At the beginning and at the end of each roundmail this “unsubscribe link” is included. Please click on this and you are already unsubscribed from further submissions. If this is not possible, please just copy it into the address field of the internet browser and call it like a website. Then also the deletion function starts. More information can be found in our privacy policy.
















Themen (deutsch)