Das Strahlungskartell – Interview mit Prof. Adlkofer
Originalquelle: http://www.free21.org/das-strahlungskartell
Das Strahlungskartell by Bonni Smith on Scribd
Originalquelle: http://www.free21.org/das-strahlungskartell
Das Strahlungskartell by Bonni Smith on Scribd
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for the information you offer in this website. My name is Olga Aguinaga and I am writing on behalf of Electro y Químico Sensibles por el Derecho a la Salud (EQSDS, https://electroyquimicosensibles.org), a Spanish association whose aim is to raise awareness of the health problems caused by CEM and Electrosmog issues. We currently need to get in touch with Franz Adlkofer to invite him to a scientific event in Madrid, and we were wondering if you knew his email addres and could kindly let us know. We would be very grateful.
Thanking you in advance. Kind regards,
Electro y Químico Sensibles por el Derecho a la Salud